3.5、Special Requirements
Those requirements identified by the customer, or determined by the organization, which have high risks of not being met, thus requiring their inclusion in the operational risk management process. Factors used in the determination of special requirements include product or process complexity, past experience, and product or process maturity. Examples of special requirements include performance requirements imposed by the customer that are at the limit of the industry’s capability, or requirements determined by the organization to be at the limit of its technical or process capabilities.
NOTE: Special requirements (3.5) and critical items (3.2), along with key characteristics (3.3), are interrelated.
Special requirements are identified when determining and reviewing requirements related to the product (see 8.2.2 and 8.2.3). Special requirements can require the identification of critical items. Design output (see 8.3.5) can include identification of critical items that require specific actions to ensure they are adequately managed. Some critical items will be further classified as key characteristics because their variation needs to be controlled.