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  • AS9100

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    清溪AS9100_AS9100D质量管理体系 对于航空、航天以及国防组织的要求7.1.5.1总则-纵横世纪航空质量培训中心2023年
    发表时间:2021-01-19     阅读次数:     字体:【

    7.1.5 监视和测量资源总则



    a. 适合所进行的监视和测量活动的类型;

    b. 得到维护,以确保持续适合其用途。

    组织应保留适当的形成文件的信息,作为监视和测量资源适合其用途的证据。 General

    The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed to ensure valid and reliable results when monitoring or measuring is used to verify the conformity of products and services to requirements.

    The organization shall ensure that the resources provided:

    a. are suitable for the specific type of monitoring and measurement activities being undertaken;

    b. are maintained to ensure their continuing fitness for their purpose.

    The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of fitness for purpose of the monitoring and measurement resources.

    上一篇:郑州AS9100_AS9100D质量管理体系 对于航空、航天以及国防组织的要求7.1.5.2测量溯源-纵横世纪航空质量培训中心2023年
    下一篇:深圳AS9100_AS9100D质量管理体系 对于航空、航天以及国防组织的要求7支持7.1资源-纵横世纪航空质量培训中心2023年