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    西安AS9100_AS9100D质量管理体系 对于航空、航天以及国防组织的要求8.3.3设计和开发输入-纵横世纪航空质量培训中心2023年
    发表时间:2021-01-20     阅读次数:     字体:【




    a. 功能和性能要求;

    b. 来源于以前类似设计和开发活动的信息;

    c. 法律法规要求;

    d. 组织承诺实施的标准或行业规范;

    e. 由产品和服务性质所决定的、失效的潜在后果。

    f. 适用时,淘汰的潜在后果(例如:材料、过程、部件、设备、产品)。





    8.3.3、Design and development inputs

    The organization shall determine the requirements essential for the specific types of products and services to be designed and developed. The organization shall consider:

    a. functional and performance requirements;

    b. information derived from previous similar design and development activities;

    c. statutory and regulatory requirements;

    d. standards or codes of practice that the organization has committed to implement;

    e. potential consequences of failure due to the nature of the products and services.

    f. when applicable, the potential consequences of obsolescence (e.g., materials, processes, components, equipment, products).

    Inputs shall be adequate for design and deveConflicting design and development inputs shall be resolved.

    The organization shall retain documented informatlopment purposes, complete and unambiguous.

    ion on design and development inputs.

    NOTE: The organization can also consider as design and development inputs other information such as benchmarking, external provider feedback, internally generated data, and in-service data.

    上一篇:西安阎良AS9100_西安阎良AS9100D质量管理体系 对于航空、航天以及国防组织的要求8.3.4设计和开发控制-纵横世纪航空质量培训中心2023年
    下一篇:杭州AS9100_AS9100D质量管理体系 对于航空、航天以及国防组织的要求8.3产品和服务的设计和开发-纵横世纪航空质量培训中心2023年