• 今天是:2025年2月8日 星期六东莞市纵横世纪企业管理咨询有限公司专注于航空航天汽车军工质量培训
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    东莞AS9100_AS9100D质量管理体系 对于航空、航天以及国防组织的要求8.5.5交付后的活动-纵横世纪航空质量培训中心2023年
    发表时间:2021-01-20     阅读次数:     字体:【





    a. 法律法规要求;

    b. 与产品和服务相关的潜在不期望的后果;

    c. 产品和服务的性质、用途和预期寿命;

    d. 顾客要求;

    e. 顾客反馈。

    f. 服役中数据的收集和分析(例如:性能、可靠性、经验教训);

    g. 控制、升级和提供关于产品使用、维护、维修和大修的技术文件;

    h. 对于组织之外进行工作所要求的控制(例如:外场作业);

    i. 生产/客户支持(例如:询问、培训、质保、维护、备件、资源和淘汰)。








    8.5.5、Post-delivery activities

    The organization shall meet requirements for post-delivery activities associated with the products and services.

    In determining the extent of post-delivery activities that are required, the organization shall consider:

    a. statutory and regulatory requirements;

    b. the potential undesired consequences associated with its products and services;

    c. the nature, use and intended lifetime of its products and services;

    d. customer requirements;

    e. customer feedback.

    f. collection and analysis of in-service data (e.g., performance, reliability, lessons learned);

    g. control, updating and provision of technical documentation relating to product use, maintenance, repair, and overhaul;

    h. controls required for work undertaken external to the organization (e.g., off-site work);

    i. product/customer support (e.g., queries, training, warranties, maintenance, replacement parts, resources, obsolescence).

    When problems are detected after delivery, the organization shall take appropriate action including investigation and reporting.

    NOTE Post-delivery activities can include actions under warranty provisions, contractual obligations such as maintenance services, and supplementary services such as recycling or final disposal.

    8.5.6、Control of changes

    The organization shall review and control changes for production or service provision, to the extent necessary to ensure continuing conformity with requirements.

    Persons authorized to approve production or service provision changes shall be identified.

    NOTE: Production or service provision changes can include the changes affecting processes, production equipment, tools, or software programs.

    The organization shall retain documented information describing the results of the review of changes, the person(s. authorizing the change, and any necessary actions arising from the review.

    上一篇:梅州AS9100_AS9100D质量管理体系 对于航空、航天以及国防组织的要求8.6产品和服务的放行-纵横世纪航空质量培训中心2023年
    下一篇:西安AS9100认证_AS9100D质量管理体系 对于航空、航天以及国防组织的要求8.5.3顾客或外部供方的财产-纵横世纪航空质量培训中心2023年