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    珠海AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求3.4假冒的零件-纵横世纪-2023年
    发表时间:2021-01-20     阅读次数:     字体:【










    珠海AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求3.4假冒的零件

    3.4、Counterfeit Part

    An unauthorized copy, imitation, substitute, or modified part (e.g., material, part, component), which is knowingly misrepresented as a specified genuine part of an original or authorized manufacturer.

    NOTE: Examples of a counterfeit part can include, but are not limited to, the false identification of marking or labeling, grade, serial number, date code, documentation, or performance characteristics.

    3.2、Critical Items

    Those items (e.g., functions, parts, software, characteristics, processes. having significant effect on the provision and use of the products and services; including safety, performance, form, fit, function, producibility, service life, etc.; that require specific actions to ensure they are adequately managed. Examples of critical items include safety critical items, fracture critical items, mission critical items, key characteristics, etc.

    3.3、Key Characteristic

    An attribute or feature whose variation has a significant effect on product fit, form, function, performance, service life, or producibility, that requires specific actions for the purpose of controlling variation.

    3.6、Product Safety

    Maintaining the state of product so that it is able to perform to its designed or intended purpose without causing unacceptable risk of harm to persons or damage to property.

    上一篇:深圳AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求4组织环境-纵横世纪-2023年
    下一篇:广州AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求3术语与定义-纵横世纪-2023年