• 今天是:2024年7月27日 星期六东莞市纵横世纪企业管理咨询有限公司专注于航空航天汽车军工质量培训
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  • AS6081

    您当前所在的位置:首页 > 航空咨询 > AS6081

    发表时间:2021-04-18     阅读次数:     字体:【

    All standards and ISOs come with benefits depending on the company you implement them. And with the company, we are referring to the one that is in the industry the standard is aiming for. Unlike what most people believe—at the beginning, most of the time—, standards are not created for every company or industry.

    There is one for a specific industry, for area or section of it, and even for the goal and needs of the company. In simpler words, you cannot use or implement the same ISO in each company unless it is the right one for it and goes well with your needs. In the case of AS6081, it is only for Aerospace companies that are in the section or area of fabricating components and parts to put in the supply chain for people and businesses in need of them.

    This part of the business is usually the most relevant and needed one since producing aerospace parts isn’t easy but they are necessary and needed for several businesses that use them for the final product or result.




    上一篇:SAE AS6081-2012SAE AS6081-2012欺诈/伪造的电子零件避免|发现|缓解和处置?分销商标准中英文
    下一篇:深圳AS6081 How does it work?_深圳AS6081如何实施?