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    Counterfeit Avoidance Accreditation Program CAAP-防伪认证计划
    发表时间:2021-12-04     阅读次数:     字体:【

    The Counterfeit Avoidance Accreditation Program (CAAP) is a cooperative industry effort to mitigate the risk of introducing counterfeit parts into the supply chain and the cost for compliance throughout the aviation, space, and defense industries. The program has been established to enable organizations that purchase components and assemblies to demonstrate that they have systems in place to identify counterfeit products, and to minimize the risks associated with them. CAAP accreditation will reassure their customers of their vigilance and ability to act appropriately. The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement issued by the US Department of Defense has made this activity even more important. CAAP is managed by the CAAP Management Council, made up of representatives from Industry and Government, with Task Groups for each area of accreditation, and administered by the not-for-profit Performance Review Institute.

    防伪认证计划 (CAAP) 是一项行业合作努力,旨在降低将假冒零件引入供应链的风险以及整个航空、航天和国防行业的合规成本。制定该计划的目的是使购买组件和组件的组织能够证明他们拥有识别假冒产品的系统,并将与其相关的风险降至最低。CAAP 认证将向他们的客户保证他们的警惕性和采取适当行动的能力。美国国防部发布的《国防联邦采购条例补充》使这项活动变得更加重要。CAAP 由 CAAP 管理委员会管理,该委员会由来自行业和政府的代表组成,

    没有CAAPWithout CAAP

    • Every customer must independently audit their Suppliers to mitigate the risk of counterfeit parts, resulting in a high number of customer audits

    • Duplication of audit scope between customers

    • Top down relationship of customers and Suppliers with regard to counterfeit parts

    • Significant cost commitment of customers and Suppliers due to number of audits required

    • Staff time required to prepare for, close out and host multiple customer audits; ditto for customers sending out Auditors

    • Each customer audit represents recognition by that customer only

    • Customer satisfaction achieved on a one-by-one basis

    • 每个客户都必须独立审核其供应商以降低假冒零件的风险,从而导致大量客户审核

    • 客户之间审核范围重复

    • 关于假冒零件的客户和供应商自上而下的关系

    • 由于所需的审计数量,客户和供应商的大量成本承诺

    • 员工准备、结束和主持多个客户审计所需的时间;派遣审计员的客户也是如此

    • 每次客户审核仅代表该客户的认可

    • 一对一的客户满意度

    有CAAP With CAAP

    • Fewer customer audits because companies work together to develop shared CAAP audit criteria to mitigate the risk of counterfeit parts

    • No duplication of audit scope as requirements are streamlined into one industry audit via the CAAP program

    • Collaborative relationship between customers and Suppliers with regard to counterfeit parts

    • Reduced auditing cost due to streamlined process through CAAP

    • Less time required by customers and Suppliers as there are fewer audits, allowing them to repurpose their expertise for value-added activities

    • CAAP accreditation is internationally recognized as the gold standard in counterfeit avoidance

    • Multiple customers satisfied through one audit

    • 减少客户审核,因为公司共同制定共享 CAAP 审核标准,以降低假冒零件的风险

    • 审核范围不会重复,因为通过 CAAP 计划将要求简化为一项行业审核

    • 客户和供应商之间关于假冒零件的合作关系

    • 由于通过 CAAP 简化流程,降低了审计成本

    • 由于审计次数减少,客户和供应商所需的时间更少,使他们能够将专业知识重新用于增值活动

    • CAAP 认证是国际公认的防伪黄金标准

    • 多个客户通过一次审核感到满意

    上一篇:首张RB/T050:2020 《航空行业 航空装备科研及生产组织 质量管理体系》认证证书