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  • AS6081

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    发表时间:2022-05-27     阅读次数:     字体:【
    1、What Is Counterfeits AS6081?

    Before discussing or talking about this standard and normative, we need to mention some elements and facts that are involved with it. The Aerospace industry has several elements and aspects that need to be dealt with in order to guarantee the safety and high-quality components and products for the businesses or entities in need of them.

    However, other companies and businesses related to the industry also need to manage most of the normative you should be familiar with by now, including AS6081. Now, the main focus on this standard goes to the supply chain in the industry where you will find—nowadays—a large number of fraudulent electronic parts or components. This not only causes problems during the fabrication of a final product where the parts are needed but also brings issues to the company providing the components. Not because it is the one introducing the fraudulent parts but rather the filtration when supplying businesses in need of them.

    Due to the increase of the number in counterfeit parts and the difficulty to handle this issue, the AS6081 was created to have an efficient and effective response to the filtration.

    Mainly, to reduce the number of parts in the supply chain but if possible, to eliminate them. Therefore, a basic and simpler definition of what this standard is all about would be: AS6081 is a normative or standard that establishes all the requirements companies in the Aerospace industry and highly involved in the supply chain need to meet to continue with the fabrication and supply of components or parts. Companies need to obtain such standards nowadays due to the warranty and security it gives customers, either if they are large companies or small businesses that are interested in buying the parts.

    After all, they are the most affected ones in this fraudulent issue since the parts they acquire will go to their final products or be used during their production processes. Or, in another scenario, will be distributed to other companies and clients that could only bring more problems to the main company: you.

    2、Counterfeits AS6081

    What does it take to handle fraudulent components and parts? Either if you are the supplier or the person/company buying and accessing them. The answer to this question depends on the company you have and the industry it is part of. For Aerospace companies, several standards apply in order to combat or fight off counterfeit components and parts.


    Before continuing, standards and ISOs are quite specific in their goals and purposes. What we are trying to say with this is that every standard has a function and specific area of expertise—to make it simple—and it is necessary to implement the right one that goes well with your ISO needs. In the case of counterfeit parts, you also need to determine which specific components you are dealing with.

    在继续之前,标准和 ISO 的目标和目的非常具体。我们试图说明的是,每个标准都有一个功能和特定的专业领域适用——为了简单起见——并且有必要实施适合您的 ISO 需求的正确标准。在假冒零件的管理,您还需要了解哪些特定标准需要重点关注。

    After all, there are over a dozen standards that are for the area of fraudulent components in the Aerospace industry. But you don’t need to implement all of them even if your company is focused on producing and fabricating components. Instead, you need to implement and get certified in the ones that are for the parts you fabricate, your ISO needs—very specific ones—and your company’s goals.

    毕竟,有十几个标准适用于航空航天行业的欺诈性组件领域。但是,即使您的公司专注于生产和制造组件,您也不需要实施所有标准。相反,您需要针对您制造的零件、您的 ISO 需求(非常具体的需求)以及您公司的目标实施并获得相关需要的认证。

    Most companies that are trying to implement ISOs have a hard time trying to decide not only what they need but also, how they are going to meet all the requirements in each one of them. Some standards are also mandatory, so besides having to implement those that can improve and boost your company in specific areas and elements, you also have to deal with the regulatory ones.

    大多数尝试实施 ISO 的公司都很难决定不仅需要什么,还要决定如何满足每个 ISO 的所有要求。一些标准也是强制性的,因此除了必须实施那些可以在特定领域和要素上改善和促进公司发展的其它标准,还必须监管标准。

    It can take a lot of work—we are more than aware of this—, but with the proper organization and guidelines, it shouldn’t be a problem to deal with—at least—a few ones. This is the case with Counterfeits AS6081, which takes us to the main topic we were discussing at the beginning: dealing with fraudulent components.

    这可能需要大量工作——我们非常清楚这一点——但如果有适当的组织和指导方针,处理至少、、或几个问题应该不是问题。仿冒品 AS6081 就是这种情况,它把我们带到了我们一开始讨论的主要话题:处理欺诈性组件。

    This standard focuses on dealing with the large number of fraudulent parts that enter the supply chain of the Aerospace industry.



    3、How does it work?

    This standard is based on the other two: AS9100 and AS9120, which you should be familiar with and even certified on since they are mandatory for any Aerospace company. AS6081 works around the management system of your company in order to turn it into something more robust and guarantee safety during the trading or selling-buying process with the customers.

    Its implementation isn’t any different from other ISOs or standards. Therefore, there is no need to make special preparations and worry about obtaining the certification or getting certified. The requirements established in the document are completely directed to your management system and will work as a complement for your AS9100 and AS9120 standards.

    Which, if you haven’t implemented yet, can be integrated while following AS6081 as well. When you have several standards that aim for the same elements or aspects in your business—with variations due to their final objective and requirements—, you can implement them simultaneously. And this even makes the process easier and more enjoyable for the company that is implementing it—yours.


    4、Benefits of Counterfeits AS6081

    All standards and ISOs come with benefits depending on the company you implement them. And with the company, we are referring to the one that is in the industry the standard is aiming for. Unlike what most people believe—at the beginning, most of the time—, standards are not created for every company or industry.

    There is one for a specific industry, for area or section of it, and even for the goal and needs of the company. In simpler words, you cannot use or implement the same ISO in each company unless it is the right one for it and goes well with your needs. In the case of AS6081, it is only for Aerospace companies that are in the section or area of fabricating components and parts to put in the supply chain for people and businesses in need of them.

    This part of the business is usually the most relevant and needed one since producing aerospace parts isn’t easy but they are necessary and needed for several businesses that use them for the final product or result.

    At present, no company in China has passed the as6081 certification, and only the United States NQA can audit the certification consulting authorization. They have nothing to do with China snqa! General customers will agree with as9120b as the basic requirement!

