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  • AS9120

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    哈尔滨AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求7.1.5.2测量溯源-纵横世纪-2023年
    发表时间:2021-01-21     阅读次数:     字体:【、测量溯源





    组织应建立、实施并保持一个对需要校准或检定的监视和测量设备进行召 回的过程。




    当发现测量设备不符合预期用途时,组织应确定以往测量结果的有效性是否受到不利影响,必要时应采取适当的措施。、Measurement Traceability

    When measurement traceability is a requirement, or is considered by the organization to be an essential part of providing confidence in the validity of measurement results, measuring equipment shall be:

    a. calibrated or verified, or both, at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurement standards; when no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be retained as documented information;

    b. identified in order to determine their status;

    c. safeguarded from adjustments, damage, or deterioration that would invalidate the calibration status and subsequent measurement results.

    The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a process for the recall of monitoring and measuring equipment requiring calibration or verification.

    The organization shall maintain a register of the monitoring and measuring equipment. The register shall include the equipment type, unique identification, location, and the calibration or verification method, frequency, and acceptance criteria.

    NOTE: Monitoring and measuring equipment can include, but are not limited to personally owned and customer supplied equipment used to provide evidence of product and service conformity.

    Calibration or verification of monitoring and measuring equipment shall be carried out under suitable environmental conditions (see 7.1.4).

    The organization shall determine if the validity of previous measurement results has been adversely affected when measuring equipment is found to be unfit for its intended purpose, and shall take appropriate action as necessary.

    上一篇:沈阳AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求7.1.6组织的知识-纵横世纪-2023年
    下一篇:长沙AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求7.1.5监视和测量资源-纵横世纪-2023年