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    杭州AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求8.4.2控制类型和程度-纵横世纪-2023年
    发表时间:2021-01-22     阅读次数:     字体:【












    注 1:顾客对任何层次的供应链所做的验证活动都不能免除组织应承担的提供可接受的过程、产品和服务以及符合所有要求的责任。

    注 2:验证活动可以包括:

    —— 评审从外部供方处获得的过程,产品和服务的符合性的客观证据(如随产品文件、合格证明、测试文件、统计文件、过程控制文件、生产过程验证的结果以及对后续生产过程更改的评估);

    —— 在外部供方处的检验和审核;

    —— 对要求文件的评审;

    —— 评审生产件批准过程的执行情况;

    —— 按收货单进行产品检验或服务验证;

    —— 对将产品验证委托给外部供方的委托行为进行评审。




    8.4.2、Type and Extent of Control

    The organization shall ensure that externally provided processes, products, and services do not adversely affect the organization’s ability to consistently deliver conforming products and services to its customers.

    The organization shall:

    a. ensure that externally provided processes remain within the control of its quality management system;

    b. define both the controls that it intends to apply to an external provider and those it intends to apply to the resulting output;

    c. take into consideration:

    1. the potential impact of the externally provided processes, products, and services on the organization’s ability to consistently meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;

    2. the effectiveness of the controls applied by the external provider;

    3. the results of the periodic review of external provider performance (see c);

    Verification activities of externally provided processes, products, and services shall be performed according to the risks identified by the organization. These shall include inspection or periodic testing, as applicable, when there is high risk of nonconformities including counterfeit parts.

    NOTE 1: Customer verification activities performed at any level of the supply chain does not absolve the organization of its responsibility to provide acceptable processes, products, and services and to comply with all requirements.

    NOTE 2: Verification activities can include:

    —— review of objective evidence of the conformity of the processes, products, and services from the external provider (e.g., accompanying documentation, certificate of conformity, test documentation, statistical documentation, process control documentation, results of production process verification and assessment of changes to the production process thereafter);

    —— inspection and audit at the external provider’s premises;

    —— review of the required documentation;

    —— review of production part approval process data;

    —— inspection of products or verification of services upon receipt.

    When external provider test reports are utilized to verify externally provided products, the organization shall implement a process to evaluate the data in the test reports to confirm that the product meets requirements. When a customer or organization has identified raw material as a significant risk, the organization shall implement a process to validate the accuracy of test reports.

    上一篇:武冈AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求8.4.3提供给外部供方的信息-纵横世纪-2023年
    下一篇:汕头AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求8.4.1.1组织应-纵横世纪-2023年