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    合肥AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求8.5.2标识和可追溯性-纵横世纪-2023年
    发表时间:2021-01-22     阅读次数:     字体:【









    —— 在产品寿命期内能保持标识;

    —— 所有产品能追溯到由同一批原材料制造,或来自相同制造批次,以及最终去向(如交付、报废);

    —— 对于组件,能追溯其组件以及后面更高一级的组件;

    —— 产品台账上对产品状态的标识(例如:全新的、大修过的、维修过的、变更过的、重建的等)

    —— 对于产品,能追溯其生产的一系列记录(制造、装配、检验/验证)。



    —— 从外部供应商处得到的数量与交付出去的数量;

    —— 采购订单(PO)编号;

    —— 顾客名称。

    8.5.2、Identification and Traceability

    The organization shall use suitable means to identify outputs when it is necessary to ensure the conformity of products and services.

    The organization shall maintain the identification of the configuration of the products and services in order to identify any differences between the actual configuration and the required configuration.

    The organization shall identify the status of outputs with respect to monitoring and measurement requirements throughout production and service provision.

    When acceptance authority media are used (e.g., stamps, electronic signatures, passwords), the organization shall establish controls for the media.

    The organization shall control the unique identification of the outputs when traceability is a requirement, and shall retain the documented information necessary to enable traceability.

    Unserviceable product shall be controlled and physically segregated from serviceable product.

    NOTE: Traceability requirements can include:

    —— the identification to be maintained throughout the product life;

    —— the ability to trace all products manufactured from the same batch of raw material, or from the same manufacturing batch, to the destination (e.g., delivery, scrap);

    —— for an assembly, the ability to trace its components to the assembly and then to the next higher assembly;

    —— the identification of the product’s condition in inventory (e.g., new, overhauled, repaired, altered, rebuilt).

    The organization shall maintain product identification and traceability by suitable means (e.g., labels, bar codes) from receipt; during splitting, storage, packaging, and preservation operations and until delivery. This includes handling or packing operations outsourced to external providers.

    When delivering split product, the following information shall be retained:

    —— amount delivered relative to amount received from external provider,

    —— purchase order number(s),

    —— customer's name(s).

    上一篇:南京AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求8.5.3顾客或外部供方的财产-纵横世纪-2023年
    下一篇:贵阳AS9120_AS9120B质量管理体系 航空 航天和防务分销商的要求8.5.1.1生产设备 工具和软件程序的控制-纵横世纪-2023年